Monday, October 17, 2011

Chocolate Moon

In completing this project I think I was meant to learn how to make something look like it is covered in chocolate.  Although I believe I learned the basic skills in order to have this effect, I don't think I was able to capture the full effect of the chocolate dripping, it just doesn't look very real to me.  I did learn all of the tools and a lot of new information that I'm sure will help me on other projects.

Unfortunately this project didn't quite turn out how I thought it would, the only really challenging part was figuring out where to put the drips and then making them the correct size in order to make them look real.  I also had a hard time with the highlights, it was difficult to control the mouse to make it do what I wanted, in other words the drips were kind of hard to draw. 

My favorite part of this project was coming up with different objects to cover in chocolate, it was fun to look through the different pictures online and think about how it might look or work to colorize them and put chocolate drips all over it.  My least favorite part was creating the highlights, I felt like that point was when the image really didn't fit together and it looked fake.  It was difficult to figure out where to put highlights outside of the drips, but I still thought it turned out pretty well. 

I would rate my creativity on this project pretty high, I thought I had some good ideas on what to cover in chocolate.  I had really liked my idea to use a hand and I was sorry it didn't work out.  Even though it didn't turn out exactly how I thought, I still thought putting the moon on the scene of the boats was clever and that part turned out well.  The only part that wasn't as creatively inclined was the fact that the moon was simply a circle, it wasn't very complicated. 

This class is still going well, I'm pretty sure this is my half credit! :) I have a feeling that after this I'm going to have a harder time picking projects that I want to do, but I'm becoming a lot more comfortable with the tools needed and I'm able to use what I know to problem solve or create my own effects on different projects.  I'm super excited to learn and create more!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Breaking Boundaries

I think I was meant to learn how to create a picture frame inside of a picture and make it look like something was "flying out of bounds" into space.  Considering how many layers I ended up creating I thought it worked very well and that I have a good understanding of this concept. (I ended up not using the like 16 or so extra layers I made.)  Like I said last time the repetition of the use of tools definitely helped me grasp how to create my final image better or easier.

My picture turned out exactly how I thought it would, I really liked how the final image came out.  When I made frames around the rest of our bodies however, it did not come out how I thought it might.  I was really excited at first but then it just looked too busy to me, and I wish I had more interesting ideas for frame shapes, maybe then I would have liked it more.

If I were to try this again (which if I have time I'm sure I will), I would add our heads into the full image instead of having them inside a separate frame, the space where our necks should be just isn't abstract enough and it looks a little strange.  I think the disconnected heads would look better if I had kept the rest of the frames going down our bodies.

I would rate my own creativity pretty high on this project because I thought I had a really good idea and added some own personal touches outside of the tutorial.  Not to mention I had about 30 other ideas for the project that I wanted to do and I even tried one out (the spearfishing guy) before I did my final project.

I would rate this project at a 9 because I thought it was really fun and interesting, and it's super neat to see the final outcome.  It is also very tedious, but it goes pretty quickly and I'm definitely excited to maybe try some more of my other ideas when I get the chance.