Friday, September 30, 2011

While doing this project on my own I didn't expect it to be so hard to focus the light away from the center.   I couldn't figure out why there was so much concentrated light and I found it hard to spread out.  I thought I did a better job on my Purple image of creating a visible pattern rather than a blob of crazy trails of light (which was still really cool looking).

Nothing took longer than I thought it would, it was pretty simple and I didn't have to rely on the tutorial as much which I enjoyed. I even made an extra one before class just to mess around with extra settings to see what I could come up with. 

I'm most proud of the blue image with the pink (which is the same image as the green background), I really liked how the colors turned out and how the lights look like trails or streaks, I used a different setting, ink outlines I think, which made it look really interesting.  

I would rate this project at an 8 because it's super quick and you could do it a million times with different results.  You can play around with all the different settings without anything getting messed up.  My favorite part was seeing the different effects I could add.

I think the class is going a little bit better, I'm learning the keys and tools better, and the repetition is helping me to find things easier.  I'm starting to be able to use my general knowledge to find tools that will help me if I get stuck or I need to perform a certain task without having to solely rely on the tutorial or instructor. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


During this unit I think I was meant to learn about Photoshop and begin to be able to navigate the site.  I'm supposed to have learned how to morph one creature into another and I believe the tutorial was very helpful and I did accomplish what I was supposed to.

There were some unexpected hangups when I began my first idea to combine an egret and a giraffe, I couldn't get the spots from the giraffe to fade into the white feathers.  I also couldn't change the color of the giraffe to white as easily as I thought I could and I ended up having to try different animals. 

If I were to do this project again I would take more time to think about the animals I wanted to use in order to create a better, more creative, and neater looking final project.  I thought I did a good job but it I felt it was a little too simple and I could have put more effort into it overall. 

I would rate my own creativity on this project kind of low because I didn't do as well as I thought I could of in terms of coming up with interesting animals to use.  I had Ms. Banks' help finding certain animals when my first project didn't come out right, but I wish I had been able to come up with a better idea on my own.  I appreciated your help!

This class is going a little slow for me right now but I am excited to become more comfortable with the tools and the materials and design some really great things! I'm definitely ready to move on and start more interesting projects.