Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stone Kitty!

This project turned out exactly how I thought it would, the cat looks just like it was sculpted thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians!  I was really impressed with how well the final image came out.  (While I was messing around trying to find a background I could set the cat in I tried to make it look like it was coming out of the sands of time in the Sahara, it didn't work very well but I thought it was a funny idea.) :)

There was nothing that took longer than I thought it would, I was actually really surprised with how simple it was to turn the cat to stone.  In the tutorial there were many steps and it made it seem like it would take a long time, but with my own project, I suppose because of the image I chose, many steps were omitted.  I was actually glad I had to add on the shadows in a bunch of different places because otherwise it was too easy!

If I were to do this project again I would spend more time choosing stone textures and I would probably take time to choose some different water marks and such to really make my image stand out and look old and worn.  If I had had the time I would have put more thought and care into the project in general messing around with the different textures I could use.  (That's not to say I didn't put care in this image!)

For my project I'm most proud of the shadows that I created to make certain parts of cat stand out or look more realistic after I added the stone texture.  I'm also happy with the stone texture I ended up using, I like the big crack coming from the tip of its ear that runs down its back, I think it adds interesting detail and helps it look authentic.

I think I've done really well in this class so far, I'm so disappointed that this is my last project!  I really wish I had the time to continue in this class and learn to do all of the projects because its so fun to create new and interesting things.  I like the cool ideas I start to come up with for my own project while I'm completing the tutorials.  I've learned so much in the course of this class, I feel comfortable with the tools I'm using and can really venture out and mess with different settings to see the different results I get.  I've really enjoyed being in this class in general and creating such cool projects, I can't wait to begin the website!

1 comment:

  1. this turned out GREAT! i'm going to upload this to the website as an example of quality work. i think it's the perfect subject. and it's really well executed. it looks completely realistic and striking. a wonderful final project for the class.

    i'm so glad you ended up staying in this class. you've made a lot of awesome things, many of which have gone on my "best of" slideshow on the website. and i've very much enjoyed hanging out with you each morning. i'll be sad to see you go :-( but you'll be back for portfolio :-)

    Creativity: 100
    Artistry: 100
    Effort: 100
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 100
